New Blog

I have started blogging at Idiots Den. Please visit
Idiots den
for more topics.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Blogging a Blog

How did a blog start?
And why are we getting a blog for free??

It was decades ago when there was no internet that the post offices had lot of work and had a lot of reputation everywhere in the world. Once the the network of computers started and has grown into the mammoth internet we are using now, the post offices are no more. The outburst of social networking sites made internet more popular than ever and anything in this world.

People who had a long list of friends used to update their friends through letters in the post office days. Later, on the evolution of internet, such kind of people used to buy webspaces and maintain such updates in their own sites.Such websites were called weblogs.they used to hire people with knowledge in html and used to make weblogs which has also become a fashion among such interested people.

Later the social networking sites also provided space for users, where the user only publishes some writing and the html page design work is taken up by the network administrator similar to the weblogs.As Internet became net the weblogs also became blogs, however we were given sub-domians like allmixfruitjuice in my case where the domain is blogspot.

So,you never worry about the page lay out and the formatting in maintaing a blog.You only publish matter along with any pics(or more) you have.

Well,you get it for free because most of us try to monetize the blogs which is also a source of income for the network administrators.You gain only a part of what they get.

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